Wellness Checklist for Emergency Medicine Clinicians: Keep Calm and Heal On

Happy doctor gesturing with heart sign

August is National Wellness Month, a time to focus on self-care, manage stress, and promote healthy routines. While this is essential for everyone, it is particularly crucial for emergency medicine clinicians facing unique work environment challenges like the ongoing need to make rapid decisions under pressure. The emotional toll of caring for critically ill patients, the physical demands of long shifts, and the psychological strain of witnessing trauma daily can lead to burnout, compassion fatigue, and even mental health issues.

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these challenges, highlighting the critical need for robust well-being strategies. Studies show that emergency clinicians are at a higher risk for burnout than their peers in other specialties due to work overload, insufficient resources, and lack of support.

Yet, in a culture that often values resilience and stoicism, emergency medicine clinicians may feel pressure to push through their fatigue and stress rather than proactively address their well-being. This not only impacts their health but also their ability to provide the best possible care to patients.

Why Well-being Matters

Prioritizing well-being is not just about preventing burnout; it’s about fostering a sustainable career in emergency medicine. When clinicians are well-supported and have access to resources that promote their physical, emotional, and mental health, they can perform at their best, provide high-quality care, and maintain a positive outlook on their work.

Well-being initiatives also play a critical role in workforce retention. When emergency departments invest in the well-being of their clinicians, they are more likely to retain skilled professionals who feel valued and supported.

Well-being Checklist for Emergency Medicine Clinicians

I believe in checklists and use them as a pediatric hospital physician when I round on patients. In my professional and personal life, checklists keep me going and organized. Given it’s National Wellness Month, it’s a reasonable time for emergency medicine clinicians to reflect on their well-being – here’s a checklist to help prioritize and guide you on your journey to greater wellness:

1. Self-Assessment

___ Reflect on your current physical, mental, and emotional health.

___ Identify areas where you may need more support or improvement.

___ Document by writing it down in a journal or calendar.

___ Develop a plan of action.

2. Sleep

___ Prioritize getting adequate sleep.

___ Develop a good sleep plan.

___ Keep your phone/iPad away from your bed.

___ Say no to doom-scrolling before bedtime.

3. Nutrition

___ Plan and pack healthy meals and snacks to sustain energy levels during shifts.

___ Stay hydrated throughout the day.

4. Exercise

___ Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine, even if it’s just a few minutes of stretching between patients.

___ Use physical activity as a way to de-stress and recharge.

5. Mindfulness and Stress Management

___ Practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to manage stress.

___ Take brief moments of pause during your shift to center yourself.

6. Connection and Support

___ Make plans to spend time with family or friends.

___ Seek professional help if you’re experiencing mental health challenges.

7. Boundaries and Time Off

___ Set clear boundaries between work and personal life to prevent burnout.

___ Take time off when you are sick to rest and recharge.

8. Reflect and Grow

___ Regularly reflect on your experiences and what they mean to you.

___ Seek opportunities for professional development and personal growth.


This National Wellness Month, it’s important to remember that self-care is a professional necessity, not just a personal luxury. Clinicians can enhance their job satisfaction by following this wellness checklist and prioritizing physical, mental, and emotional health. Commit to keeping calm, healing, and caring for yourself as you continue your vital role in the emergency department. A healthier you means better healthcare for all!

I hope you find this checklist helpful as you work towards your wellness goals. If you have other items to add to the list, we invite you to share them on our LinkedIn Page.

Yours in wellness,
Dr. Riva Kamat

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