The Shift Report Podcast: Dr. Ian Warrington

Dr. Ian Warrington

Ian Warrington joins The Shift Report to discuss his wide-ranging musical talents and how they help him manage the stresses of an Emergency Medicine career. He shares some of his music with us as well as his story of reinvigorating his remarkable skills as COVID-19 set in. Music as Medicine has remarkable power – Listen for more if Ian’s work on Instagram @ianfiddlemusic and at Oh, and if you’re a Tony Kornheiser fan listen to the January 17 Tony Kornheiser Show podcast – Ian does the mailbag song at the end.

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Til Jolly and Ian Warrington discussed Ian’s dual career as an emergency medicine physician and a musician. Ian shared how his journey into medicine. Although he had a deep passion for music in college, his medical residency and apartment living (thing walls) forced him to put it on hold for nearly a decade. However, the COVID-19 pandemic reignited his love for music, leading him to share his violin performances online.

During their conversation, Til and Ian explored the therapeutic benefits of music, particularly in high-stress environments like hospitals. Ian shared his experiences performing in ICUs, collaborating with doctors and nurses to provide comfort to patients and staff. They also discussed the scientific evidence supporting music’s impact on mental and emotional well-being. Ian expressed his desire to further integrate music into hospital settings and continue these collaborations.

Ian’s music, which includes traditional Scottish, Irish, and American fiddle tunes, is available on streaming platforms and his website. He plans to keep sharing music on social media.

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